So, how do you hack your PS3? You need to find a AVR USB development board such as PSgroove, have a mobile or other portable device such as PSFreedom, or a quick fix would to be to buy a clone such as PS Jail Break.
Ever since the 3.55 firmware update came out its been hard to hack the PS3. We have come up with a solution to get around the 3.55 update and you get back to hacking! Please read below.
What you need:
* CA24.cer, dev_blind.pkg, fuckPsn.exe from and PS3DNS.exe, ARSoft.Tools.Net.dll from
* OpenPS3FTP v1.2 from
* Microsoft .NET 3.5
1. Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3 (using FTP, external USB or what else)
2. Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
3. Open OpenPS3FTP and connect to it using a PC
4. Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox)
5. Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
6. Rename CA24.cer as CA24.cer.bak
7. Put my CA24.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA24.cer
8. Set the PS3′s PRIMARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address
9. Set the PS3′s SECONDARY DNS server to your actual DNS server (e.g. router)
10. Reboot your PS3
11. Start PS3DNS.exe
12. Start fuckPsn.exe
13. Enjoy with PSN
Video Tutorial:
What you need:
* CA24.cer, dev_blind.pkg, fuckPsn.exe from and PS3DNS.exe, ARSoft.Tools.Net.dll from
* OpenPS3FTP v1.2 from
* Microsoft .NET 3.5
1. Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3 (using FTP, external USB or what else)
2. Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
3. Open OpenPS3FTP and connect to it using a PC
4. Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox)
5. Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
6. Rename CA24.cer as CA24.cer.bak
7. Put my CA24.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA24.cer
8. Set the PS3′s PRIMARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address
9. Set the PS3′s SECONDARY DNS server to your actual DNS server (e.g. router)
10. Reboot your PS3
11. Start PS3DNS.exe
12. Start fuckPsn.exe
13. Enjoy with PSN
Video Tutorial:
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